Picture It...
Imagine my surprise to find that in my absence from the blogging world, Blogger has made it immensely simpler to post photographs. As we used to say back in the Navy: Huzzah!
And so, I have made a decision. It is time to change my profile photograph. The old one, commonly known as "The Best Picture of Dave Ford Ever" (BPDFE), has had its day and served me well. But, truth be told, that was taken years ago... I'd even guess that it might have been taken last century in fact. Don't get me wrong, I can still tell it's me. I personally don't see the problem, but the beard seems to confuse people. Are you that guy that has the articles in that magazine? Yes. But you have a beard. Yes. The picture doesn't have a beard. No.... Honestly, I don't really get it. The article title is Desi-David - GlobeTrotter, there's a white guy with long hair in the picture, there are amusing anecdotes about an inside-outsider view of Pakistan... but yet when they meet me, a white, Canadian writer with long hair, the beard throws them for a loop. Okay, it may not look exactly like me, but it sure as hell doesn't look like anyone else round these parts.
So here's to you Best Picture of Dave Ford Ever, it's been a snap.
It is with great pleasure that I introduce, "Raja and Dave." One of my favourite pictures recently, it is also the primary reason for the bizarre rumour in Canada that I purchased a camel at an auction. Works for me. Welcome to the blog.