Waxing Philosophical
Hey, you know how I'm always making stupid, random observations, like that my fingernails grow faster in February and August than they do the rest of the year? Well, lately I've noticed that my ears have been building up wax way faster than usual. What's usual? I dunno, just the usual amount. Today, however, I stumbled across some literature on the Internet (nifty invention, you should try it) that explains that ear wax is made by sweat glands in your ear. So it turns out that hot climates do produce more ear wax in their inhabitants. So I'm not crazy afterall... well, about this anyway.
Know what the most common reason for ear wax blockage is? It's from cleaning wax from your ears with cotton buds. I guess it actually shoves the wax back in there. So I don't know, I guess you're kind of damned if you do, damned if you don't on that one. It's kind of eerie.
And why is it that everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that ear wax tastes bad?
useless fact for the day courtesy the queen of useless information: scientific name for ear wax is cerumen impaction... thats creepy, makes me wanna clean my ears all day...
I don't miss Asma.
She has ear wax issues.
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