Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Where'd the Bathwater Go?

Wouldn't it suck to have an ugly baby?

I mean, in this day and age babies are always cute. Genetically, as a race, I think we're getting more attractive (at least I know I am). But there has still got to be some ugly babies out there, and that's gotta suck. Because normally, if you have to haul yourself out of bed at two in the morning for a screaming child, you can at least console yourself and say, "Good thing he's cute." But if you've got an ugly baby, I think you'd become a bitter person fairly quickly... Shuffling outta bed, mumblin to yourself, "Shut up, ya stupid shovel-face"


At 4:41 PM, Blogger The Artsaypunk said...

Please don't eat me.

At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 12:04 PM, Blogger The Artsaypunk said...

Awww, all in the name of humour baby bear! You know I think you're beautiful, I'm just bitter that you spurned me for another.

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ashalabah.blogspot, egroeg.blogspot, love urs maybeh u will like ours

At 10:32 AM, Blogger The Artsaypunk said...

Thank You Jeff! I thought I was alone in the shovel face humour. I've been waiting for you to coment on that for weeks. Imagine calling your own kid a shovel face. Ha, I love laughing at my own jokes. Somebody's gotta.


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