Mercury Rising...
As you well know, I'm a big fan of advertisements and signs that are just slightly left of centre. Today, on the way home from work I noticed a dry-cleaning place called "Mercury Cleaning." But their slogan is, "Mercury and Cleaning Always Go Together." Well, I guess I don't quite agree. In fact, the only time I can think of Mercury (whether it be olympian god, planet or quicksilver) going together with Cleaning, is in this very instance of a dry cleaning store called Mercury Cleaning.
But it does remind me how in grade six, Mr. Frost, one of the best teachers in the world, showed us a vial of mercury and let us play with it in our hands and everything. Now, in Mr. Frost's defence as one of the best teachers ever, I should stipulate that this was before everyone decided that mercury was bad for you to touch. I think it made us tougher, and who knows, maybe some day I'll develop super powers. So far it hasn't affected me in any real way, besides a compulsive twitch in my left eye and an extremely low sperm count.
But to tie it all together, after we played with the mercury, Mr. Frost made us wash our hands, so I guess that is one other time when mercury and cleaning go together. Kudos.
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