Monday, March 06, 2006

Explain this to me...

Another hindrance to my blogging last week was my inability to access my own blog. I thought it was my own connection, but then friends started reporting the same problem. I later went on to discover that had been blocked by Pakistani ISPs. Word on the street is that the Supreme Court decided that any site publishing the blasphemous cartoons (you know, the Danish ones? You may have heard of them) should be blocked. As various bloggers in the blogspot world had published them on their sites, someone had the bright idea to block the whole of Brilliant.

It took me some research to figure this all out, and then, lo and behold, the next day there is a story on the BBC which would have saved me a lot of trouble.

Now, if all this is true, then can one of you techies out there please tell me why I can access blogspot sites at night? Last night I came downstairs because I couldn't sleep and I opened a number of blogspots... this morning... nothing.

Also, while I'm at it. Why is it that with a WorldCall supposedly broadband connection I can only rarely post to the blog? The connection times out over and over and then, as added fun and games, it sometimes says it times out but actually publishes the post, thus resulting in nine posts in a row, which you guys love to make fun of me for. If I walk upstairs, plug in a phone line (which I'm doing now) and connect through a scratch card (even at 19.2 kps) I can post just fine. Is the upstream to worldcall that restricted that I can't even get a blog post through? And is there anything I can do about this?

Someone enlighten me.


At 3:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You know what really yanks my chain?"
People that make fun of you for watching cartons. yes I'm in my late 20's but some of the most intelligent TV are The Simpsons and Family Guy. Family Guy has to be the funniest show on TV bar none. But I have not seen your show Sir Fork.
Anyway people complaining about watching cartons and "yanks my chain".


At 3:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You know what yanks my chain?"
Rolling your ankle. It hurts sooo bad. I rolled mind last night at work, luckily I had work boots on which I do believe saved me from breaking it. BUt very painfully , many colours today, and it's so easy to do. Even just walking sometimes. Rolling ankles really yanks my chain.

At 3:12 AM, Blogger Slippy said...

This is a good tool:

Here are various techniques you can use:

And another:

At 3:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"you know what really yanks my chain?"
People making fun of me ordering tuna fish at subway. People always say"next time call me and I'll make you and charge a dollar less,etc." Well this week I did that as in called some one at 10:30pm to come make me tuna sub. Don't people relize that you CAN NOT make it for their price. For you gotta buy all the fixings to make it the same plus their Mayo is the best. Lettace green peepers tomatoes, etc. are $ this time year. People making fun of tuna fish, that yanks my chain.

ps. She never came over to make it

At 3:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"you know what really Yanks my chain?"
People complaining about the English (writing) skills. "Hey who needs English? It's not like I'm going to England! WEll lets go drink some beer."

People complaining or correcting my English, that's what yanks my Chain.


At 8:55 AM, Blogger Off the Grid said...

You probably already know this, but you can post to your blog via a secret email, which you can set up in the settings tab on your dashboard.

Doesn't help the larger problem, I know, but at least you can still post.

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Slippy said...

You know what really yanks my chain, Steve's constant off topic posts.

Steve, you cartoon-watching, ankle-rolling, subway-tunafish-eating, poor-english-writing chain yanker, maybe you should start your own blog called "you know what yanks my chain". That way I don't have to read all you off topic posts on Dave's blog.


p.s. Sorry for this off topic post.


At 10:11 AM, Blogger moizza said...

How's Khurram?

At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey what gives this post 20 days ols. you still alive?

At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

waiting for new posts!

At 11:01 PM, Blogger Abbas Halai said... should help you out to access your blog and any other blogs can be accessed by adding their blogspot access name in front of


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