Wednesday, August 24, 2005

These Are A Few Of My Least Favourite Things...

Here are a few things I don't care for.  I don't hate them, I just don't like them:

Coloured Toilet Paper
I'm not a fan of coloured toilet paper.  For some reason, there's a lot of coloured toilet paper in Pakistan: pink, blue, it's all about the pastels.  I don't know why that is.  Why does it need to be pretty.  It's a shitty job, who wants pretty?  Garbagemen don't wear tuxedos to work. To my knowledge, there wasn't this much coloured toilet paper at home.  I don't even know why I don't like coloured toilet paper.  I'm just not partial to it.  Maybe it's a colour barrier.  Maybe I'm being anal.

Baby Corn
I'm not a fan of baby corn.  I think it's a tease.  I love real, big corn so much.  Those delicious sweet kernels with narry a digestible nutrient to be found, they can't be beat.  But baby corn is so disapointing.  The first time I ever saw it on a salad bar when I was a kid, I thought, "Cool, mini corn."  But then I bit into it and it tasted like dirt.  I personally think that baby corn tastes the same as licking a 7/11 parking lot.  I don't see the point of it.  Keep it out of my stir-fry.

Poorly Designed Remote Controls
I’m not a fan of poorly designed remote controls. But who is really? It’s just that they’re so prevalent. There are so many bad remotes out there that it’s hard to think of any good ones. I just don’t get it. You can design a complex electronic component, but you can’t design a remote that makes sense? I get the feeling that the remote is always the last thing that’s worked on before the component hits the market. It’s a rush job. All the elements are there, just poorly conceived, like the conclusion of an undergrad essay. You’ve got the huge remote with a thousand tiny buttons. You’ve got the slim-jim remote that still has tiny buttons. You’ve got the ones with sliding panels that hide yet more buttons, but always slide right off and let the batteries fall out. You’ve got the ones with the volume and channel controls a way down at the bottom. There are just too many examples. This should be simple. But apparently it’s not.

Green Peppers
I'm not a fan of green peppers.  You have to understand that it take a lot for me to say that.  Not long ago, in the scheme of things, I hated green peppers.  I despised them.  I wanted them wiped from the vegetable cannon.  If poison had a generic taste, I would have assumed it to be that of green peppers.  Plus, they give me gas.  But what doesn't these days?  Slowly I have come around.  You see, I was raised in a household that was strongly biased against the plight of that cantankerous capsicum.  Generations of my family have shunned them, but I have turned to accept them.  Feelings change.  People change.  I still wouldn't order them on a pizza, but if they're there... what the hell, I'll eat them.
I’m not a fan of Stop bothering me. Quit it with your popping up. If I wanted to contact people from my high school I would do it myself. Why are folks so nostalgic about high school anyway? I had a good time, but I’ve certainly had way more fun since. Besides, I have a feeling that the people that would sign up for are not the people I’d want to talk to anyway. And I certainly would have no idea what to say to anyone on there. "David, what are you doing? We thought you’d go far." … "I did. I’m in Pakistan." … "What are you doing there?" … "I run a music store."


At 6:30 PM, Blogger kandygrl said...

Baby corn is gross and I think I'm allergic to it. I don't understand it's purpose.. How do they make corn that small anyways?? Its not right..Thats my 10 cents and I want it back damn it..

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Abbas Halai said...

yeh baby corn is vile. and don't even get me started on remote controls. to this day i haven't been able to figure out why the hell they just don't put a simple pager on the tv to locate lost remote controls. it really can't be that hard to do.

and why the hell do desi's have this tendency of wrapping their remotes in plastic is also something beyond my comprehension.

At 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, I'm with you on the baby corn but I never could understand the hatred of green peppers. Is it only green? What about red? Yellow? Orange? Hmmm... Words to chew on. ha!

At 11:22 AM, Blogger The Artsaypunk said...

Just Green. For whatever reason, the others don't bother me. I dunno, but I've heard it's not easy being green.


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