Friday, May 06, 2005

Air Blue...

I think if you owned a parrot, the temptation to teach it cuss words would be extremely tough to resist. Still, I feel like it’s one of those things that would be cool at first, but ultimately regrettable. You'd have to know that no matter how good that parrot is, eventually your grandma is going to get called a whore. The solution, I think, would be to teach a friend’s parrot how to swear, then you’d get all the fun and none of the inherent responsibility of embarrassing avian blasphemy.


At 11:01 PM, Blogger *~*Michelle*~* said...

Temptation is really power, isn't it? At work we have this cute little mini air horn to use in the event of an emergency. Each time I pass by it I want to hold it in my hand and squeeze that little trigger.


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