Thursday, May 05, 2005

Just a Little Bored...

What to do when you don't know what to do? Play Googlisms of course! I've already posted once before based on the results it found for my name. But I decided maybe it could give me some insight into where I'm living.

- karachi is so violent
- karachi is the only place that i want to write about
- karachi is naked discrimination
- karachi is demanding accountability for the blood of its sons
- karachi is crying for help
- karachi is highly selective
- karachi is not just a city
- karachi is a pleasant experience
- karachi is an oxymoron
- karachi is a real issue
- karachi is city lights
- karachi is not as bad as being projected by the west
- karachi is closed for public access until further notice
- karachi is built on the foundations of fishing villages that existed here as long ago as 1789
- karachi is well known for it’s beaches
- karachi is the talk of the town
- karachi is a delight
- karachi is the site of one of the earliest civilisations
- karachi is still in chaos; yet there are positive forces at work from within
- karachi is a member of the 'leading hotels of the world' and the premier choice of business and leisure travelers

I think my favourite is "Karachi is a delight" but mostly because I picture James Lipton from "Inside the Actors' Studio" saying it.


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