The Numbers Are In...
This weekend I decided to keep track of my small-talk endeavours. Please don't think I'm making fun here. I'm just happy when people make an effort to talk to me. It just becomes funny when I think about how I've had the same conversation over and over again.
Here is the small-talk tally for this past weekend:
"You must find it really hot here".............................. 3
"Is the food too spicey for you?"................................ 2
"Yes, it is very cold in Canada"..................................5
"Is someone locked in that bathroom again?"............... 4
"No actually, not very close to Toronto"........................2
"No, actually, even further from Vancouver ..................1
"So how do you find Pakistan?" ................................. 6
"Why did you come here?".......................................... 3
"Sorry, I don't have any beer. Canadians drink beer, right?" ....... 1
On a related note, every single time that someone asks me "How do you find Pakistan?" (Which happens more than you would think, because it's kind of a British sentence construction.) I always answer, "It's easy, it's right there beside India." I'll let you know when someone gets it.
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