Friday, October 07, 2005

An Open Letter to the Folks on Khi-e-Badar with Three Bronze Stallions Charging Through the Front Wall of their House:


I have driven past your house hundreds of times, but it was only recently, while walking up Badar, that I had the time to notice the artistic travesty that is your home. For whatever reason, you decided to create the illusion that three metallic horses have burst through the front wall of your house. First of all, this is not a very convincing illusion. I am not convinced that you have a herd of metallic horses in your upstairs lounge in the midst of a catastrophic stampede. Second, I do not believe that these animals were somehow trapped there during the construction of the house, and if they were, shame on you. Third, I don’t choose to believe that the raging fury of the concrete-penetrating stallions somehow represents the ostentatious moral fiber of your family. However, this is mostly because I don’t believe in metallic horses. They’re not real.

In any case, it’s not cool. In my estimation, there is absolutely no need for you to have three horses charging through the front face of your house like a pink Cadillac at Planet Hollywood. I see no purpose: whether practical, aesthetic or artistic. In fact, there is only one way I will accept your decision to represent a trio of escaping equines through your exterior wall. And that is, if there are three horses’ asses represented on the interior wall of your dining room.

And if by some chance, you know me, or read this blog, please ignore the preceding two paragraphs.

Cheers! And Giddy-up,



At 3:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the hideous of this city multiply like rabbits...

At 12:30 AM, Blogger Walrus said...

most funny that was:)


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