Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Time is easy to lose track of. In that way, Time is a lot like car-keys or the television remote. You know it’s there, you know you need it, but where did it go? Around this time of year, with my birthday just a couple months away, I always seem to forget my own age. Not that I forget completely, but I go through this momentary lapse of reason where I think to myself, am I turning 27 or am I already 27? I also realised recently that whenever someone asks me how long I’ve been in Pakistan, my answer is always consistently one month behind. Someone asked me last night, and I diligently replied, "About six months," but when I added it up, it’s been over seven. Does seven months count as "about six months"? It’s a little off I think, but it’s not like I do it on purpose. Time is too fickle, too hard to pin down, too relative. I need something more tangible. You know how T.S. Eliot is always measuring out his life with coffee spoons (after all the evenings, mornings, afternoons… generally speaking)? Well, I don't have coffee every day, but it got me to thinking that I could probably measure out my life with toiletries. I do use toiletries every day. So, the next time someone asks me how long I’ve been in Pakistan, instead of saying 7 months and two weeks, I’ll say, "Oh, I’ve been here for about two and a half shampoo bottles." Or maybe, "It’s been about 3 deodorants now, since I got here." Or "About one can of shaving cream and four Gillette Mach Three razor blades, although this one is getting dull, and I tend to use those things for way too long." My friend Alastair, who prefers to be known as Tooter McFruiter, has told me that he’ll often judge time and distance in terms of bowel movements… ie: "We can drive from here to Toronto in just over two shits." (About 15 hours I would say.) I’m not dead sure of the value of such a frame of reference, but maybe it’s similar to doing the Kessel Spice run in under 12 parsecs.


At 12:05 AM, Blogger Abbas Halai said...

i used to measure road trips, walks, and other forms of travel in measure of the number of smokes i had.

a four hour road trip to michigan would be the equivalent of five smokes, whereas a ten minute drive from the financial district to yonge and bloor could be one smoke away. it's all relative to what mode of transport is being used.

oh...and the parsec was the biggest screw up george lucas made in the original star wars. han solo claims that he made the kessel run in under 12 parsecs with the millenium falcon, indicating that he was referring to time. george lucas though, in the star wars ep. iv dvd commentaries defends this argument by saying that when you make the jump to light speed, you need the navi-computer to plot a course around all objects, otherwise you would fly into a star (which would make the trip real short). he said that since the falcon has a powerful navi-computer, it was able to do the kessel run in less distance than others because it was able to plot a safe course through areas that lesser navi-computers would plot a course around and go the long way.


At 9:38 AM, Blogger The Artsaypunk said...

I knew that pesky parsec would get people talking.


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