Observations on the way to work... Vol. 3
Just as I was reaching work this morning, I saw a pedestrian whose t-shirt read:
"Get Up to Date!
– The Colour Blue"
Now, for the life of me, I can't figure this one out. If I want to get up to date, must I embrace the colour blue? Can we thus assume that the smurfs and the Blue-Man Group are hip and happenin?
Or is it, rather, the colour blue that needs to get up to date? I thought that Blue would fit into some kind of category where it superceded all necessity of update. How would it work? Create a new colour and call that one blue? That would be confusing. "The sky is so blue today"… "No it ain’t…. Get up to date man."
On the other hand, maybe it is the colour blue that is helpfully instructing us to get up to date. Kind of like how Sesame street was always brought to you by the letter X and the numbers 6 & 9. "Get up to date!" - A message from The Colour Blue. Maybe Blue does have that power, it is a dominant colour in our world. "I'm the colour Blue, and I support this message." Although, I would feel stronger about it if Magenta and Cyan would throw their weight onto the campaign.
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