No title means I'm not feeling overly creative today!
The play wrapped up Saturday night and I'm already bored. I think that is a bad sign. I had a great time, but throughout most of the run, especially the days leading up to the finally I was dying to be done with it and move on to something else. Now I'm here, just a short two days later with nothing to do. Lovely! Actually it's been nice not having to rush off and be somewhere for a change. Something I don't get to do very often. But I am getting bored and definitely need to find something to do. I had a great time doing to play though. It had been a few years since my last run and I had forgotton how much I missed it. I had a great cast to work with as well. Out of all the shows and casts over the years, I would have to say that this group was one of the best. If you made it out to the show last week, then you know what I'm talking about. An extremely talented bunch that I will miss dearly. That's the only draw back to do something like this. You work so closely with a select group for a length of time and you connect on a level that is really hard to explain and when the time has come to part ways, you definitely miss not seeing them every day. That's what I always take away from experiences such as this. You make friendships that are pretty hard to let go of, but the show is over and it's time to move on. The best part about doing this show was that on opening night, the director Len Falkenstein and his wife Sue, welcomed their first child, a baby girl into the world only an hour before the curtain went up. I thought that was pretty cool. I've worked with Len on a number of shows throughout the years and have come to know him and Sue quite well and I wish them all the best as they start this new journey.
So I bet you are all wondering what the plan of action is for my immediate future? I just thought I'd throw that up there. No one really gives a shit, but I'll tell you anyways because I'm sure you're dying to know. Me too actually, so I'll tell you after I figure it out. Ok, just teasing. I do know the plan. Why wouldn't I, it's my plan after all. I'm going to be taking a few days off to recover from the play. I'm a little worn out physically from the day to day grind of putting on the show, so some rest is in order. And by that I mean sleeping until noon and catching up on my Dawson's Creek, even though I've seen every episode. After a couple of days off, I'm starting production on a new record. Nothing has been written for this album yet and I really have no clue as to where I'll be taking it musically yet. That scares me a little because I'm in love with solid plans and structures, but I'm also excited about this thought as well. The last record I made was with specific ideas/goals and agendas in mind and I didn't like working in that type of environment. Especially one where there are other people constantly grading your work, I like this, I hate this, it needs to do this! I went nuts trying to please people. It's a hard thing to have to be creative all day and work with the thought of "will they like this or not" floating in the back of your head. So I'm really looking forward to going back in the studio with the mind set of no limits, and no boundaries. Basically if I like it, I keep it. If I hate it, it gets tossed. I know that by the time I'm ready to start laying tracks, I'll have a clear cut plan because, well, time is money in the studio and since this venture is being footed from my own pocket then I say press the button monkey, let's get it on! I'm sure it won't be that dramatic, but it'll be close. So, as to what you might expect to hear from this record is really up in the air. In the past, it's always been about the rock, getting the songs as bouncy as possible and the guitars bigger than life. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of the rock and there'll definitely be that element, but I also want to explore other avenues as well. Like I said, no limits, no boundaires. What ever I feel like at the time really. It is my record after all. So, hopefully writing won't take too long and I can get in the studio as soon as possible. There'll be lots of updates concerning the new album so check in often. For now, I'm tired again and ready for some more Dawson's Creek. See you all soon. Cheers!
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