A Word From Your Captain
The weather in New York is windy and -8. In case you were wondering.
The first time I tried to post here, the thing fucked up, so here's crack two. I've kept online journals before, so this isn't really a new avenue for me, but here at The Blog, it's a fresh start and that generally tends to be a good thing. With my previous journals, I always did them on websites for whatever band I happened to be keeping company with at the time. But since I am now a solo artist without a website, I guess I'm stuck here for the time being, shacking up with my long time friend Dave. Apparently we are sharing this Blog out of the potential laziness of not updating our own seperate Blogs enough and figured if we made this arrangement then there might be at least one new post for you to read in the morning inbetween coffee sips and trips to your favorite PPV sites! Clicky, clicky!
So here it is, 8 bells on a Friday night and I'm at home, smoking, drinking left over egg nog from the holidays and updating the Blog. Lovely! I know what you're thinking! This guy has no life. If that was your assumption, then you win the prize of my dashboard hoola girl. It used to be in my truck, but since she has passed on out of this world and in to the next, CoCo the hoola dancer has been without a home and needs to dance for you. Just leave your name and number in the comments box and I'll drop her off in the morning.
It's obvious that I have absolutely nothing of importance or intelligence to say this evening, so I'm going to wrap things up. I did however, just want to welcome you to The Artsaypunk and say check back often. I'm sure that between Dave and I, we should be able to put something of interest together. I am sad to say that anything deemed "cool" in this Blog will come from my end of things because we all know that Dave and his hair are but a mere spec standing in my shadow. I'm sure he'll have something to say about this, but I'll gurantee it's something I've said in the past, you unoriginal bastard. Ha-Ha! I'm just kidding. Dave's a cool guy. He must be, I let him tell people we're friends right? Sleep tight kids. See you all soon. Cheers!
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