A Small Tribute to a Comedy Legend...
I just wanted to say a few words about Johnny Carson, who passed away peacefully last night. I'm too young to have watched Johnny in his prime, and even in the early nineties, as he was finishing up, it was still past me bedtime. So, I've only really seen highlights and reruns. In a way, it's good, because I get to see all the hilarious moments, but something is missing in those highlight reels. It's kind of like how a sports clip of the last minute goal leaves out all the anticipation and climax of the previous 60 minutes (Yes, it's a hockey reference, I am Canadian). I know Johnny Carson mostly through his influence. My late night heroes, David Letterman and Conan O'Brien take much from his comedic style, and acknowledge his genius frequently. Even Jay Leno, who's about as funny as a papercut to the eyeball, follows the format perfected by Carson.
So, far all those late night fans out there... Raise a drink... Here's to Johnny... Hope you like the new gig.
For a better tribute than mine, check out this article.
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