Leave it to Mom...
Special thanks to my Mom, who has pointed out an error in my post about Eid. Apparently Isaac was not Abraham's first born son (even if it makes a better story). He had a son with his wife's handmaid first.
Which makes me wonder two things. First, where can I get a handmaid? And second, why is it that conservative Bible-folk are always making such a fuss about "Family Values," and the "sanctity of marriage" as espoused in the Bible, if you've got everbody and their handmaids having a romp in the hay. And don't think I've forgotten about Lott and his daughters... or Noah and his daughters for that matter. I know, I know, the ten commandments come later. But still, I love how everyone reads the Bible however it suits them. My favourite selective Biblical reading goes like this: "God loves all of his creations, unless they're homosexual."
For a good, but long, article on how divorce and adultery rates are highest in areas where conservative, evangelical, fundamentalist christian values are strongest (ie: the Red States), cast your sinful eyes upon this.
Ahh, Hypocrisy never tasted so sweet.
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