Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A Typical Conversation on the Way to Work...

Subaru: Where'd you guys go to dinner last night?

Me: A Chinese place called, "Yuan Tung." Pretty tasty.

Subaru: Yeah, that's an old Karachi favourite.

Me: I wouldn't know.

Subaru: No you wouldn't.

Me: Right. Well, it's across the street from another Chinese restaurant called "Little China." But I didn't want to go there because I've heard they had some big trouble a little while back.

Subaru: Ha! Big Trouble in Little China.

Me: You nailed that one.

Subaru: Ya, that was a classic film.

Me: Never seen it, I just make jokes about the title... Kurt Russel right?

Subaru: Yeah, basically, there's this demon loose in China-Town...

Me: Wait, I think you mean, "Little China"... hey wouldn't it be funny if there was actually a Little China full of Chinese midgets?

Subaru: Shut up Dave.

Me: What? It just strikes me as something those wily Chinese might do. Anyway, there's a demon...?

Subaru: Right. And the demon has been hunting for thousands of years for a green eyed Chinese girl.

Me: Virgin?

Subaru: Couldn't hurt. So Kurt Russel's friend is dating a green-eyed, Chinese girl.

Me: Convenient.

Subaru: So the Kung-Fu guys that worship the demon go after the girl, and the Kung-Fu guys that support Kurt Russel go after them.

Me: Were those cats as fast as lightening?

Subaru: Ya. It was a little bit frightening.

Me: So then?

Subaru: So then, I dunno, a whole lot of shit goes down.

Me: Ok, so two Kung-Fu gangs are battling an ancient demon for a green-eyed girl and then a whole lot of shit goes down.

Subaru: Pretty Much. Oh, and it also features an early appearance of Kim Cattrall.

Me: Who's Kim Cattrall.

Subaru: The old, slutty one on Sex and the City.

Me: Isn't that all of them?

Subaru: The oldest and sluttiest.

Me: Oh right. You're a big fan are ya?

Subaru: I'm not the one who's seen every episode of Desperate Housewives.

Me: I'm telling you, it's a good show! And since I'm an honest guy, I'll tell you that while you were at work last Saturday I watched Season Six of Sex and the City.

Subaru: What!

Me: In my defence, there are a lot of naked women in that show.

Subaru: A lot of naked men too.

Me: That's why you watch it, you mean?

Subaru: Shut up.

Me: You shut up.

Subaru: Anyway, now I'm thinking we'd better find a copy of "Big Trouble..."

Me: Oh yeah, sounds like a quality film. We should track it down.

Subaru: But we won't.

Me: No, no we won't.


At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how many people will remember that masterpiece!

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Slippy said...

I thought you weren't going to become a photo blogger?

At 6:52 PM, Blogger Abbas Halai said...

i'm a proud owner of the double dvd edition director's cut of big trouble in little china. it's a master piece.

At 11:10 AM, Blogger The Artsaypunk said...

Jeff, why do you always make us sound so gay?

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Slippy said...

What is the Light Game?

At 2:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm offended! Kim Cattrall is hot! Dammit. I want to look like her when I'm in my forties.

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Abbas Halai said...

so where's the report on the standup show you had?


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