Friday, May 13, 2005

The Force is Strong in these Pants...

Even though Pakistan has made it to what, number 2 on the international video piracy lists, I still haven’t bought my $1 demo copy of the latest Star Wars movie on DVD. Now, that is one movie where you’re going to want in a good print. If you’re going to be a video pirate, you might as well do it in style (I prefer an eye-patch). But with the onslaught of the latest Star Wars mania, I came across this quiz, which actually turned out to be pretty cool. It tests whether you would gravitate toward the light or dark side of the force. And it’s a pretty cool flash player set up. I thought that maybe, considering my penchant for illegally copied DVD’s, that I might have been sliding toward the dark side. But no, I’m still lily white and pure. I rated an 8 on the light side, or Obi Wan Kenobi levels of goodness. Now, if I can only use the force to eliminate the need for a remote control.

And speaking of which… I’m too lazy to type in the html to put in a nice pretty link to that quiz, so you can just find it at


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