Saturday, February 12, 2005

Another Meaningless Post

I was out last night catching my old band mates from the Danny Mainstreet Band put on one hell of a rock show. These guys really know how to dial it in and turn it up. Every time I see them play, they never cease to amaze me. An extremely talented bunch that I had the fortune of playing with. I had a blast when I was in that band, but like most good things, my stint with the band came to an end. But I still love them dearly and look forward to seeing them every time they are in town, or I am in Halifax. Anyways, keep an eye out for these guys. Big things are coming for them so catch the boat while it's still ashore.

Oh, last night I saw a drunk girl half passed out in a snow bank, while her friends tried to flag down a cab so they could take her to the hospital. If you really want to get the job done, make sure to mix the entire bottle of pills with the vodka. Bottoms up!

I've been meaning to put up a post over the past couple of days, but every time I sit down to do it, I'm plagued with writers block and have nothing to really talk about. I'm sure there are millions of things I could get ranting on, but I'm not in the mood today. It's a warm and sunny winters day and I don't want to spoil it by talking about topics that will just get me annoyed. Fear not though, Troy's political rants are never ending, so I'm sure there will be a post in the near future covering everything I've missed in the last week. Things on my end have been pretty quiet over the past week as well. Not much happening at all really. The good thing though is that time off has given me plenty of time to write the new record. Things in that department are coming along quite nicely. I'm loving the songs that have been coming out so far and I'm looking forward to finishing up in the very near future so we can get on to the next phase. I'll keep you posted on the new record as things develop. Anyways, I'm off to meet some friends for dinner. Hope you're all well. See you soon. Cheers.


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