Sweet Dreams...
This study in England has found that Men are more likely than Women, to fall asleep directly after having sex. I would file that one under "N" for "No Shit Sherlock." 80% of Men say they feel more relaxed after sex and could easily drift off, compared with 47% of women. Now, I think we have to question the validity of these findings, because, let's face it, these guys are British. The majority of them probably washed down their greasy fish and chips after work with pint after pint of beer. I think what would be just as relevant would be the percentage of guys that fell asleep before sex. Maybe it's amazing that they had sex at all. Maybe we should also look at the number of women who want their guy to fall asleep so they can hurry up and finish the job themselves. The "Sex Scientists" (how do you get that job?) say that there is a physiological reason why men get drowsy after coitus and it has nothing to do with not wanting to cuddle or talk intimately, but I'm betting some cash went under the table on that one. "Yeah, oh for sure, it's science, it has absolutely nothing to do with your husband's fear of intimacy." You can really tell that these scientists are men. My favourite part is when they suggest the solution of having sex to upbeat music: 'Try "I Feel Good" by James Brown, Elvis Presley's "A Little Less Conversation" or Britney Spears's "Toxic".' Yup, that'll do it. Throw those three tunes on a mix CD and hit repeat and then you'll be in for a 'little less conversation, a little more action', while you 'feel good' wondering whether your husband is thinking about you or Britney Spears.
And for all the ladies out there in blogland, I prefer the song "All night long," and my phone number is ....
To add irony to insult, I think most identified "men" would prefer to say they were thinking about our favorite harrowed starlet before admitting just how fantastic Avant and Bloodshy's production on "Toxic" is (and, of course, I'm now ducking to avoid the deluge Troy is tossing in my direction). "It's certainly a sexy song," they say, but then: "if I like it, does that make me gay?"
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