Thursday, February 17, 2005

February is the cruelest month...

You know, I'm sure some comedian or someone has talked about this before, but on my way to work this morning, I was thinking, "Who's idea was it to make February Black history month?" (I always think in quotation marks)(And I always make asides in parenthesis).

But seriously, was anyone really thinking about this one? You can almost chart the thought process: "Well, if we have to give them a month, let them have the short, crappy one." I wonder if black people really love leap years. "Excellent, an extra day to celebrate our heritage before it's back to eleven months of white history celebrations and screenings of 'Birth of a Nation.' "

I honestly don't know what it is about February. I used to think it was just the weather. Where I grew up in Canada, February is the coldest, greyest most dismal month. You go to work in the dark, you come home in the dark. This is the real reason Canadians are so polite. We're all smiles because below the surface we're about to snap. But this whole theory has kind of gone out the window for me (properly defenestrated) because here I am in the heat of Karachi, with plenty of sunlight, and I still think February sucks. Thank God it only has 28 days (just like the moon cycle, the menstral cycle, and rehab... coincidence?... Yes).

One last thing, over the course of years of random observations, I feel that my fingernails grow faster in February. I can't confirm this as an "Absolute Certainty" yet, but let me know if there is any possible reason for this.


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